Tag Archives: email

One Week Down!

Hopefully everyone had a great holiday!  Over the past few days, I’ve enjoyed getting a chance to wear my Turducken t-shirt (check that off the list!) and cozying up at home. I’ve never been a big Black Friday shopper, but that being said, I usually can’t resist a few of the online deals… 50% off at J. Crew? Don’t mind if I do! 40% off and free shipping from The Limited? Yes Please!

This year, instead of perusing a retailer’s site just to see what I might need, I’ve taken on a two-pronged approach: unsubscribe from the site’s email list-serve and delete. This morning, instead of waking up to what could have easily been 50 emails advertising Cyber Monday deals, I had only eight emails from online shopping sites.  Talk about feeling cleansed!

With Thanksgiving over and Black Friday behind us, it’s officially the holiday season.  Time to gear up for the holiday parties that consume my weekends from now until the end of the year.  Don’t worry– I’ll keep you posted on what I’m wearing and how you can find great outfits in your closet too!

Day Eight: Pink Silk Blouse, Black Cashmere Crew Neck Sweater, and Jeans

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