Category Archives: Summer in Winter

Flurries and Florals

Time to think Spring! Today’s forecast calls for a high of 20 degrees and flurries, so of course I busted out a short sleeve fluttery floral print dress. Even though I have plenty of unworn sweaters to get me through the next few months, it’s fun to change it up and prove that everything in my closet is there for a reason.

For all of you Top Chef fans out there, I would call today’s look  “a play” on a summer dress. I started with a short-sleeved floral print chiffon dress and paired it with a chunky zip up sweater, cozy tights, and boots.  What do you think? And do you have any tips or tricks for making different pieces work through multiple seasons? Let us know!

January 19: Floral dress (Express), Cable Knit Cardigan (Banana Republic)

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Filed under Dresses, Summer in Winter

Summer Clothes in Winter? Of Course!

Although it’s arguably the coldest week of winter so far, it doesn’t mean you can’t think warm thoughts! What better way to transport yourself to a sunnier place and time than by pulling out a few summer items and incorporating them into your routine?!

Don’t think you can do it? I’m here to prove to you this week that it’s super easy!

Example A: Capris

No one has to know that you’re rocking your favorite cropped pants when they’re tucked into boots! Your ankles stay warm and as an added bonus, it’s easier to wear the boots to begin with because you aren’t jamming all of that extra fabric in there. Voila! (Sorry that the picture doesn’t make it obvious, but I promise you I am wearing capri leggings tucked into black boots!)

January 16: Black and White Strip Top (The Limited), Black Capri Leggings (Target)


Example B: The Sleeveless Blouse

Think that just because it’s January that it means you have to stick to long sleeves? Wrong! I’ve found that my sleeveless blouses are perfect for pairing under a sweater for two reasons: 1) You don’t have to rearrange everything and get the sleeves “just right” like you do when you wear a long sleeved shirt, and 2) You’re totally ready in case someone asks you how to get to the gun show (Bad Humor, but c’mon… you chuckled)!

Vast Improvement! Navy V-Neck Sweater (J. Crew), Sleeveless Ruffle Blouse (NY & Co.), Straight Leg Jeans (Paige Denim

Boring Sleeveless Blouse

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Filed under Summer in Winter