Tag Archives: American Apparel

Pardon the Interruption! (Plus a Pinterest Plug)

Sorry for the brief hiatus there folks! I have a million and one excuses on why I haven’t blogged over the past two weeks: Busy with work, possibly coming down with a cold, Cubs Opening Day, yada, yada, yada…  There’s good news though! Even though I haven’t been blogging, I’ve still been thinking about the blog and ways to inspire all of you to dig deep in your closets before hitting the shopping malls this spring and summer.

First on the agenda: It’s time for spring cleaning! Just like I purged before starting this endeavor in the Fall of 2011, it’s time to clean out the closet. If I didn’t wear the sweater this past winter, then it’s time to pass it on! Even though I vowed to wear everything at least once before buying anything new, I’m not looking at this as an excuse to get to the finish line faster. Instead, I’m looking at it as an opportunity to be realistic about the amount of clothes one girl really needs. If I was “trying” to wear all of my clothes and I haven’t worn it, then I’m going to take that as a sign that I probably a few too many sweaters sitting in the pile that could be keeping someone else warm!

Second on the agenda: PINTEREST! Are you on it?!  And more importantly, are you following me?!  You can follow posts from the Wear Everything Project as well as my Outfit Inspiration Board to get ideas on outfits you can create from things you already own! So, with that in mind, it’s time I announce that each week I’ll be including at least one post that focuses on an outfit inspired by my Pinterest Outfit Inspiration Board.  Look for the first one tomorrow, but start following me on Pinterest Today!

April 12: Black Sleeveless Dress (American Apparel) and Black Cardigan (Walmart!) with brown boots and belt


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